Welcome to Growth Edge Therapy (GET) Services, LLC.


I’m Lynn Kamara, LCSW.  I’m a clinical psychotherapist and a Certified Daring Way TM Facilitator in Houston, Texas. 


As you might be experiencing right now, the world has a relentless drive to refine and grow all of us.  Typically, these pushes come in the form of significant personal pain or relationship crises, but I like to call them our “growth edges.”  In my practice, I specialize in joining with people in these hurting places so that they can learn how to sit with big feelings and live more courageous, authentic, and connected lives. 


I have learned in my life and from helping people throughout the world over the past 15 years that pain turns into suffering when we armor up or disconnect from our feelings and fears instead of facing them.  Pain isn’t the problem - not knowing what to do with it is.  My work has proven to me that our best selves emerge when we discover how to use our pain to become more vulnerable and authentic in our lives.  I join with people who want to finally step into their worth and lay down all of the heavy armor.   We can’t do this though without bravely choosing to show up to our lives despite our struggles.  This is where therapy can help. 


It’s time for you to live the life you desire and deserve.  I am here to help you take responsibility for the quality of your experiences no matter what you are going through.  There is no better opportunity than the one before you now. 


Please call me to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to explore your current growth edges and the dareful work that’s awaiting you!